Harm Jetten's draughts program


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Dam 2.2 On-line Help

New! Moby Dam

Endgame databases


New! Performance



Scan by Fabien Letouzey

Care for a game of draughts? Try...

...my draughts program DAM 2.2 v.7 (May 18, 1999) for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP etc.


DAM plays the 10x10 international variant of draughts, and it's freeware no less, available here:
download dam227.exe (556 kB, includes all languages except the ones below).
download deutsch.zip (29 kB, contains the German language files).
download polski.zip (29 kB, contains the Polish language files).
download portug.zip (29 kB, contains the Portuguese language files).
download czech.zip (8 kB, contains the Czech translation).
download galego.zip (34 kB, contains the Galego language files).
download lithu.zip (34 kB, contains the Lithuanian language files).
download breton.zip (19 kB, contains the Breton translation).
download romania.zip (24 kB, contains the Romanian translation).

DAM 2.2 supports the following languages.
Language Author Remarks
Dutch, English Harm Jetten
French Jean-Bernard Alemanni
Russian Vladimir Tishkin Problems? If the menus only show "____", "|||||", "?????" or e.g. "Äîñêà", read here how to fix it.
Italian Paolo Fasce
Spanish Nelson Castillo
German Clemens Crucius Download deutsch.zip, un-zip and place the files in the Dam22 program folder.
Polish Dariusz Rzonca Download polski.zip, un-zip and place the files in the Dam22 program folder.

Problems? If the menus contain "|" and wrong accented characters, read here how to fix it.

Portuguese Joao Guimaraes Download portug.zip, un-zip and place the files in the Dam22 program folder.
Czech Sezob Download czech.zip, un-zip and place the file in the Dam22 program folder.
(Contains only the translation, no help file.)
(Galicia, Spain)
Xosé Antón Vicente Download galego.zip, un-zip and place the files in the Dam22 program folder.
Lithuanian Kestutis Gasaitis Download lithu.zip, un-zip and place the files in the Dam22 program folder.
(Brittany, France)
Philippe Download breton.zip, un-zip and place the file in the Dam22 program folder.
(Contains only the translation, no help file.)
Romanian Diana Popescu Download romania.zip, un-zip and place the files in the Dam22 program folder.
If you are willing to translate it to a different language, I will make it available on this page. Please mail me for more information.

This version of 2.2 can be installed (preferably) right over a previous 2.2 version, that way your preferences are not lost. The most significant difference with DAM 2.1 is the facility to play draughts with another player over the Internet, using the DamExchange protocol written by Frank Mesander. I welcome email about your experiences with this version, and any suggestions for the next version. Please send them to hjetten@xs4all.nl.

For those who prefer Windows 3.1x, the 16-bit version DAM 2.1 will of course remain available: download dam21.zip (195 kB). In case you don't have a sound card, it's likely you can still enjoy the DAM sound effects with the Windows PC speaker driver, and the mono version of the DAM .wav files.

Don't leave without visiting...

On-line Help

New! Since Windows 10, Microsoft does not provide a program anymore to read old Help files such as those used by Dam 2.2. That's why you can find on-line versions of Help here:

Nederlands English Français Deutsch Italiano Polski Lietuvių русский Español Português Română Galego

Endgame databases

An endgame database allows DAM to quickly look up whether a position with a few pieces on the board is either won, drawn, or lost. That considerably improves its playing strength in end games. DAM uses the 2- 3- and 4-piece databases from Gijsbert Wiesenekker's ZZZZZZ draughts program. The 4-piece files are compressed. The source archives are located here.
Starting with version 2.2 v.5, DAM can handle 5- and 6-piece databases. If you wish, you can generate them yourself using DragonDraughts-0.0a.Win32.zip (thanks to Michel Grimminck).

New! All DAM 2.2 endgame database files can now be downloaded from here.


DAM 0.0, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 for the Atari ST computer
DAM 1.3 for the Atari ST and TT computers
DAM 2.0, 2.1 for the PC (16-bit, Windows 3.1x/95)
DAM 2.2 for the PC (32-bit, Windows 95/NT4)
  • December 14: Preview 1 -- with the capability to play over the Internet.
  • January 9: Preview 2 -- made various detail improvements in the facility to play over the Internet.
  • January 22: Preview 3 -- adapted to expanded DamExchange specification, take-back is not compatible with the earlier versions.
  • February 8: Preview 4 -- changeable board size, support for Turbo Dambase DOC file format.
  • February 22: Preview 5 -- Printing works again, copy to clipboard, PDN/DOC game number in title bar.
  • March 14: "Official" version -- more detail improvements.
  • March 15: version 2.2 f.1 -- Fixed serious bug in code for thinking in the opponent's time. That will teach me, calling version 2.2 "official" or "final".
  • April 9: version 2.2 f.2 -- Fixed bug in DamExchange via the serial port. And furthermore: now you can select your own colors for the board squares.
  • May 3: version 2.2 f.3 -- Removed some small bugs.
  • November 4: version 2.2 v.4 -- Toolbar; and language modules, of which Dutch, English and French are now available.
  • January 10: version 2.2 v.5 -- Russian language available; 5- and 6-piece endgame databases.
  • March 21: version 2.2 v.6 -- Italian language available; solved a few endgame bugs.
  • May 18: version 2.2 v.7 -- Spanish language available; updated endgame list.
  • July 8: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now German language available.
  • November 14: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now Polish language available.
  • December 8: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now Portuguese language available.
  • August 30: Dam version 1.0 for the Palm is available.
  • January 9: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now Czech language available.
  • June 17: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now Galego language available.
  • November 28: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now Lithuanian language available.
  • May 9: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now Breton language available.
  • November 29: still version 2.2 v.7 -- program has not changed, but now Romanian language available.
Moby Dam for the PC (64-bit, Windows and Linux)


New! On March 23, 2025 a computer draughts tournament was held in La Couture (France). 5 double rounds were played with 20 minutes playing time per side for 75 moves. GWD has won this tournament. My program Moby Dam reached second place.

Here are Moby Dam's games in PDN format.

Results of Moby Dam in previous tournaments:

Zundert, November 20, 2022: third place.
Amersfoort, May 19, 2019: second place.
20th Computer Olympiad, Leiden, July 1 and 2, 2017: fourth place.
19th Computer Olympiad, Leiden, July 2 and 3, 2016: fourth place.
18th Computer Olympiad, Leiden, July 4 and 5, 2015: sixth place.

Results of Dam 2.2 in previous tournaments:

Culemborg, December 13, 2013: seventh place.
16th Computer Olympiad, Tilburg, November 19 and 20, 2011: fourth place.
Culemborg, September 18, 2011: seventh place.
Hamel, April 9, 2011: shared second place.
Culemborg, September 12, 2010: shared fourth place.
Hamel, April 18, 2010: second place.
Leiden, November 29, 2009: fifth place.
Arleux, May 17, 2009: seventh place.
Gorredijk, December 14, 2008: shared fourth place.
Gouy sous Bellonne, March 30, 2008: shared third place.
Culemborg, December 2, 2007: shared fifth place.
12th Computer Olympiad, Amsterdam, June 15 and 16, 2007: first place.
Hamel, March 25, 2007: fifth place.
Culemborg, December 3, 2006: shared second place.
11th Computer Olympiad, Turin, May 26 and 27, 2006: third place.
Culemborg, December 4, 2005: third place.
Eindhoven, November 21, 2004: sixth place.
Arleux, October 3, 2004: second place.
Nijmegen Open, Lent, July 31, 2004: second place.
Culemborg, February 22, 2004: seventh place.
8th Computer Olympiad, Graz, November 23 and 24, 2003: second place.
7th Computer Olympiad, Maastricht, July 6 and 7, 2002: first place.

Draughts games

A modest collection in PDN format:

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